1.  The Secretary of State can insist upon changes to any plans that do not make sufficient use of independent suppliers.

2.  WordPerfect is a good example of a word-processor that makes heavy use of these key combinations.

3.  It is likewise important that those who make use of media such as the audiocassette or videocassette should not see themselves as mere consumers.

4.  And equipment that makes no use of radio frequencies can also cause interference.

5.  And it would give Americans a new legal right to sue foreign companies that make use of confiscated American property in Cuba.

6.  Anderson feels that extended-year programs are just one of the ways that schools can make better use of time.

7.  Another piece of detection equipment that makes use of laser beams is also in use.

8.  As you drive around, study landscapes that make use of ground covers.

9.  Bill T. Jones and Martha Clarke are choreographers and theater artists who conceive and direct works that make use of language, music and dance.

10.  Both ideas are supported by research published this week that has made use of brain scanning.

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